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Writer's pictureErik Evans

Erik Evy-No Harm, No Foul | Inspect

Setting the mood with a chill hop beat to go and big shoes as an entertainer to fill, Erik Evy is in the house. His latest single is called No Harm, No Foul and shows the work of an excited, enthusiastic performer who has nothing yet something to prove by entering the hip-hop scene.

I was fortunate to ask Erik Evy some questions about his single and how he decided to enter into the music industry:

The birth with the beat

1) What’s the story behind No Harm, No Foul? Where has the inspiration come from?

I didn’t have a goal in mind. Heard the beat on YouTube and fell in love with it. I wanted to come back with some more energy and this was the perfect opportunity. I was just caught in the moment and was trying to make a summer jam. There is not a deep story behind it, just some fun!

Like he said, no deep story needed. Its just the story of an artist drawing inspiration from a beat, and that’s what it sounds like. The rap is a cool interaction with the listener, from an artist that wants to be known, but for the classy work he puts out.

2) The production quality is fantastic. How did you master this track?

I wanted this one done right. I knew I had something with this song, so I had Dolopo Inc master the track. He mixed most of my Periscopes project. Stud. The beat is produced by Wonderlust Beats. Another incredible talent. He can be found on YouTube.

As the social media landscape continues to change and bring artists together, we can consider ourselves fortunate for this kind of divine interaction. The sound and production quality are fantastic, a notch above his previous single, Hoo Kairs. Though not comparable by musicality, something new and fresh has been attempted in both places.

The journey since the last single

3) What has changed for Erik Evy after Hoo Kairs?

I’m just trying to come at music with a variety of styles and influences. Hoo Kairs was a song where I really focused on the storytelling. Juss Law anchored the track he brought different energy than me and his vocals are too nice.

What has changed is I have done a nice job connecting with more artists, and I have developed a sense of direction with my music. Upgraded some equipment and have invested in some marketing help. Can’t wait to share more.

Trying something new every time, Erik Evy has created the perfect formula to keep fans content, with content. His song is short and great for radio play, with Evy’s sound and rhyme scheme at least recognizable to his followers.

Work ethic for a creative mind

4) Your album Periscopes was quite popular. How do you aim to explode into the mainstream with alterations in styles and approach?

My style will always change because our music interests change as we grow up. The only thing I can do is continue to make the music I enjoy. In terms of style, I will continue to get more comfortable on the mic. I believe exploding into the mainstream starts with consistency. I can create a song that invites them to the party, but if there isn’t enough work to keep them at the party, then they won’t become loyal fans.

In terms of approach, I think Periscopes did so well because I sat down and created a 60 day plan. (30 days before, and after) and mapped it out to the day. That way from the moment I submit the project, through the first month after, I know exactly what I need to do on a given day. Nothing to be nervous about when you are prepared.

This is an important moment to understand how you fix a timeline on creativity. If you hope to create a masterpiece but don’t put a bracket on the time taken-the project never ends. Erik meets the deadline, and in doing so pressures creativity to respond.

Future plans for a rising star

5) What is next for Erik Evy? Do fans get another EP or are you on tour?

Goal is to release another project by the end of the year! “No Harm, No Foul” is the first single for this project. I know this goes without saying but I am proud of what I have created. Details for the project will be rolled out more here shortly.

I am not on tour yet haha, I still need to perform at my first concert!

6) Do you plan on collaborations within the indie hip-hop world?

Yes! I want to work with so many artists. I have songs completed with artists who I have connected with on twitter.

Those announcements will be for another day, but I am extremely proud of the breadth of styles I am trying to fuse into my music. When I work with people, I want to push them to their absolute best. And in return, they will push me to be great.

So there you have it, Erik Evy about his project ethic and work style. Most importantly, he has the zeal to always want to create so zero space for disappointment for you fans out there.

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