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Writer's pictureErik Evans

"I Will Keep Pushing the Envelope"

Updated: Sep 14, 2021

Interview: “Periscopes” by Erik Evy Stephanie Pankewich July 7, 2021

Q: When you create music, what is your personal purpose or goal?

ERIK EVY: Personal goal is to put out another, maybe 2 projects by the end of 2021, and to get better at marketing my music. Thankfully I was able to connect with you on this haha. When I am creating, I do not have goals in mind. I try to plan very far ahead so I do not feel pressured that “I need to make a hit” or anything. The good songs will come as I keep creating.

Q: You have been compared to Mac Miller, but how would you define your sound?

ERIK: I see the comparison he is one of my favorites, but I will always be changing my sound. I have to experiment to find out what I’m great at. For this project, I think I was good at choosing a cohesive sound, smooth vibes, and thought-provoking music. I will keep pushing the envelope. What's great about Mac is that he changed his sound so much over his career. That is the level of growth I want.

Q: Your track “Periscopes” is awesome. Take us through the songwriting process.

ERIK: I wrote the song last summer and knew this would be special. I found the beat on youtube, and I just try to hum out what a good flow to a song would be and fit the words from there. Obviously, there was a lot of tension in the world, so I think the song fit. I tried singing the hook and I was not cutting it lol so I hired Shaina. She added a beautiful outro and some background vocals that really anchored the song. Turned out so much more than I originally imagined it. Thank you!

Q: What do you enjoy most about being an artist?

ERIK: I enjoy networking with other artists the most! Being able to build a community online, and take tricks from how certain artists create is all super exciting to me. In terms of the actual music, writing is my favorite part, its fun going in another zone and matching the emotion you are feeling from the music. The excitement that I have no idea what I will create, and then seeing something come out of nowhere is the best rush.

Q: Where was your current project recorded?

ERIK: This entire project was recorded in my basement! Paying for studios is kind of a waste of money for me right now haha. Why pay for a studio by the hour when you can create one at home. Just a mic, computer, and a DAW. You dont need thousands of dollars of equipment to create something!

Q: What is coming next for you?

ERIK: I will have a summer, feel-good project coming out in a few months! Title and some other details are tbd but its all written and I am super excited. Its Periscopes but with a bridge to a new feel.

Interviewed by Stephanie Pankewich

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